Formulation and Planning
Getting started is always difficult. On one hand, there is a tendency to procrastinate, to wait until every t is crossed and every i is dotted before work begins. On the other hand, there is a desire to jump right in, to begin building even before you really know what needs to be done. Both approaches are inappropriate, and thats why the first two Web engineering framework activities emphasize formulation and planning. Formulation assesses the underlying need for the WebApp, the overall features and functions that users desire, and the scope of the development effort. Planning addresses the things that must be defined to establish a work flow and a schedule, and to track work as the project proceeds. Topic categories considered on this page are:
Planning and Project Management Resources
Pointer to a variety of useful resources.
Seven steps to WebApp Project planning
Focuses on the planning required to contract WebApp development.
Managing Your Website Development: Eight Easy Steps to Project Management
Brief but worthwhile advice.
Planning a Web Site
Addresses the key issues that must be considered as planning and formulation begin.
Tips for planning your Web Project
Words of wisdom for project planners. Recommended.
pdf: Planning a Web Development Project
A detailed discussion of what's required with examples. Recommended.
Project Planning for WebApps
A reasonably detailed discussion of the elements of a good project plan in a WebE context.
A sample project plan-I
A informative case study.
pdf: A sample project plan-II
Another informative case study.
Effective Website Development Project Plan
A brief outline.
Questions that at WebE project plan should answer
Addresses key questions and provides a detailed WBS.
Project Start-up Problems
A discussion of problems encountered during formulation and planning and how to overcome them.
Website Planning Worksheet
Developed by Wilson Internet Services to facilitate planning with their customers. Also links to design contract and content worksheet.
Basic Planning Guidelines-1
The steps necessary to get a WebApp off the ground.
David Rico's SPI Site
Many useful papers on WebApp cost estimation are available only through the IEEE for a fee). Also a number of worthwhile links.
Requirements Gathering - 1
Considering the options that may be used to formulate the problem a WebApp is to solve.
Requirements Gathering - 2
An approach for gathering requirements from the "site owner" and "site visitors."
Collecting Data from Users
Methods for integrating users into the formulation of a WebApp
Web Site Planning, Requirements Elicitation and Design
This IBM site contains much useful information on planning, analysis and design of web sites. Excellent tutorial and guidelines. Recommended.
pdf: WebApp Analysis
A slide presentation by Bruce Maxim of UMich-Dearborn that emphasizes the importance of formulation.
13 common objections against user requirements analysis, and why you should not believe them
"This article lists 13 common objections against user requirements analysis and why you should not believe them."
Creating your web concept
Answers the question: "Why spend time defining requirements?" Recommended.