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Software Engineering Resources
Requirements Engineering
Requirements engineering helps software engineers to better understand the problem they will work to solve. It encompasses the set of tasks that lead to an understanding of what the business impact of the software will be, what the customer wants and how end-users will interact with the software. The following topic categories are presented:
Analysis Concepts
Requirements Engineering Resources
Tutorials, Articles, and Papers
Requirement Elicitation
Requirements Management
Requirements Patterns
Requirements Tools
Analysis Concepts
Requirements Engineering Resources
Requirements Engineering Resources -1
A worthwhile collection of requirements engineering links has been prepared by Ian Sommerville and Peter Sawyer to accompany their book on the subject.
The QFD Institute
The QFD institute is an good source for information and resources on quality function deployment.
Tutorials, Articles, and Papers
Requirements Engineering Bibliography - 1
Another extensive requirements engineering and management bibliography.
Requirements Engineering Bibliography - 2
A list of requirements engineering books compiler by Karl Wiegers.
Requirements Engineering Resources
Links to RE rsources provided by DACS.
When Telepathy Won't Do: Requirements Engineering Key Practices
An article by expert Karl Wiegers.
Requirements Engineering: Thesis Research
A list of 21 PhD dissertations on RE with abstracts.
pdf: Requirements Engineering: A Roadmap
"This paper presents an overview of the field of software systems requirements engineering (RE). It describes the main areas of RE practice, and highlights some key open research issues for the future."
Requirements Engineering: Our Best Practices
"This article focuses on a methodology adopted during a requirements and functional specification phase of a project. The chosen model for requirements engineering was founded on a combination of six sigma techniques and a set of best practices adopted from within the organization."
pdf: What is Requirements Engineering?
An reasonably detailed paper on the subject.
Requirements Engineering Explained
A commentary on RE.
Should You Care About Requirements Engineering?
A worthwhile discussion and commentary.
Christof Ebert on Requirements Engineering
A podcast on the subject.
Requirements Engineering Papers
A list of downloadable RE papers.
Requirements Analysis Process: Requirements Elicitation, Analysis And Specification
Requirement engineering from the point of view of an outsourcing organization.
Business Analysis White Papers
Papers with a distinct business-oriented feel.
Managing Requirements Engineering Risks
A downloadable paper that "reviews the software development and requirements engineering literature to understand the risks that characterize requirement engineering situations, to classify available techniques to resolve these risks, and to identify key principles by which tactics can be applied to resolve requirements risks."
Questioning the Role of Requirements Engineering in the Causes of Safety-Critical Software Failures
A downloadable paper that "identifies some of the problems that have arisen from an undue focus on the role of requirements engineering in the causes of major accidents."
pdf: Goal-Oriented Requirements Engineering: A Guided Tour
"Goal-oriented requirements engineering is concerned with the use of goals for eliciting, elaborating, structuring, specifying, analyzing, negotiating, documenting, and modifying requirements."
Goal Driven Requirements Engineering Overview
A detailed discussion of the goal-driven RE approach.
Video: Requirements Engineering / Specification
A lecture on the subject (56:39)
Requirement Elicitation
Issues in Requirements Elicitation
An in-depth report by the SEI provides useful information of elicitation techniques. Can be downloaded.
User Involvement in Requirements Engineering
An in-depth paper by Daniela Herlea address all important aspects of requirement elicitation and related subject. Recommended.
Negotiation Skills
A collection of articles on negotiating skills which can be of use to any project manager who must communicate with upper management, the customer, or members of the software team.
Requirements Patterns
Requirements Engineering Tools and Freeware
An up-to-date list of RE tools vendors and freeware. Recommended.
Requirements Tools
An extensive list of RE tools.
Requirements management tools-III
An extensive list of RE tools.
Software requirements tools
News, tips and advice about software requirements tools
Calculating ROI on your Investment in Requirements Management Tools
A worthwhile article for those contemplating acquisition of requirements tools. Recommended.
The Problem with Requirements Engineering tools
Automated Requirements Analysis (ARM) tool
A software tool provided by NASA searches each line of the requirements document for specific words and phrases that have been identified as quality indicators. It can be downloaded from this site.
Because it is pivotal to the successful creation of any complex computer-based system, requirements engineering is discussed in a wide array of books. Amg many useful offerings are:
Requirements Engineering
An Introduction to Requirements Engineering
Requirements Engineering
Requirements Engineering
Requirements Engineering and Rapid Development
Requirement Engineering: Processes and Techniques
Requirements Management discusses a variety of requirement engineering issues that span both systems and software engineering.
The Requirements Engineering Handbook presents an in depth discussion of requirements engineering tasks.
More About Software Requirements: Thorny Issues and Practical Advice provides many practical techniques for requirements gathering and management.
Software Requirements: Styles and Techniques presents a comprehensive survey of requirement analysis methods and notation.
Software Requirements and
Managing Software Requirements: A Unified Approach presents a useful collection of requirement best practices and suggest pragmatic guidelines for most aspects of the requirements engineering process.
Mastering the Requirement Process presents a very detailed case study that helps to explain all aspects of the software requirement analysis and the analysis model.
Practical Software Requirements: A Manual of Content and Style discusses a step-by-step approach to requirement analysis and a style guide for those who must develop requirements specifications.
Software Requirements Analysis and Specification: A Lexicon of Practices, Principles and Prejudices presents an intriguing look at the subject from A to Z (literally)
Assertions, Scenarios and Prototypes discusses advanced techniques for developing software requirements.
Software Requirements Using the Unified Process discusses requirement engineering within the context of the Unified process and UML notation.
Writing Better Requirements presents a brief set of guidelines for writing clear requirements, representing them as scenarios, and reviewing the end result.
(Software Requirement Patterns (Best Practices) presents a patterns-based view of requirements engineering.
Analysis Patterns: Reusable Object Models presents a detailed discussion of pattern inrequirement engineering work.
Use-case modeling is often the driver for the creation of all other aspects of the analysis model. The subject is discussed at length in:
Use Case Driven Object Modeling with UML
Succeeding with Use Cases
Use Case Modeling
Writing Effective Use Cases
Advanced Use-Case Modeling: Software Systems
Use Cases: Requirements in Context
Applying Use Cases
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