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Reference Library
Risk Management
This page provides access to a variety of downloadable papers that
address risk management issues.
A Formal Risk Assessment Model for Software Evolution [PDF]
Juan C. Nogueira, Luqi, Valdis Berzins and Nader Nada
This paper introduces a formal method to assess the risk and the duration of
software projects automatically. The method has been designed according the
characteristics of evolutionary software processes. The authors introduce a set of
metrics to measure productivity, requirement volatility and complexity. They
construct a formal method based on these three indicators to estimate the duration
and risk of evolutionary software processes. The approach introduces benefits in two
fields: a) automation of risk assessment and, b) early estimation method for
evolutionary software processes.
An Introduction to Team Risk Management (Version 1.0) [PDF]
Ronald P. Higuera, David P. Gluch, Audrey J. Dorofee, Richard L. Murphy, Julie A. Walker and Ray C. Williams
This report on team risk management includes the following contents: an
introduction, background, overview of team risk management, team risk management
processes (continuous team risk management process overview, baseline risk
assessment, closure), team building and communications, and observations and summary.
A Risk Assessment Model for Evolutionary Software Projects [PDF]
Luqi and J. Nogueira
This paper introduces a formal model to assess the risk and the duration of
software projects automatically, based on objective indicators that can be measured
early in the process. The model has been designed to account for significant
characteristics of evolutionary software processes, such as requirement complexity,
requirement volatility and organizational efficiency. The formal model based on
these three indicators estimates the duration and risk of evolutionary software
processes. The approach supports (a) automation of risk assessment and, (b) early
estimation methods for evolutionary software processes.
Feasible Risk Management Futures: Majesty, Misery, or Melancholy? [HTML]
Robert N. Charette
This article discusses three basic futures the author sees for risk
management a decade from now.
Fundamentals of Software Risk Management [PPT]
Frode L. Ødegård
This PowerPoint presentation outlines risk management. The risk management
process includes: identify risks (discovery, quantification, documentation,
communication), analyze risks (activities, documentation), plan for risks
(resolution strategies, activities, documentation), track risks, resolve risks
(documentation), and learn about risks. Opportunity management is also included.
Modeling and Managing Risk Early in Software Development [PDF] *FEE*
Lionel C. Briand, William M. Thomas and Christopher J. Hetmanski
The authors present an automated modeling technique which can be used as an
alternative to regression techniques. They show how it can be used to facilitate
the identification and aid the interpretation of the significant trends which
characterize "high risk" components in several Ada systems. Finally, the authors
evaluate the effectiveness of our technique based on a comparison with logistic
regression based models.
Probabilistic Risk Assessment Procedures Guide for NASA Managers and Practitioners [PDF]
Michael Stamatelatos, George Apostolakis, Homayoon Dezfuli., Chester Everline, Sergio Guarro, Parviz Moieni, Ali Mosleh, Todd Paulos and Robert Youngblood
This guide contains three parts. The first part contains a management
introduction to PRA with the background of PRA, risk management, and an overview
of PRA. The second part contains probability and its application to reliability and
risk assessment, even frequencies and hardware failure models, scenario development,
uncertainties in PRA, data collection and parameter estimation, human reliability
analysis, modeling and quantification of common cause failures, software risk
assessment, uncertainty propagation, presentation of results, and physical and
phenomenological models. The third part contains PRA modeling process using two
aerospace examples.
Risk Analysis Methods - A Brief Review [PDF]
Tilman Rasche
Successful risk management hinges on comprehensive and detailed hazard mapping
and understanding of possible consequences. No specific risk analysis method should
be chosen until relevant hazards have been clarified. A summary comparison of hazard
sources from the described high-risk industries is attempted in Table 1.
Risk Management Process & Implementation
Practice Book Number One: Overview and Guidance
Little Aqua Book [PDF]
American Systems Corporation
This book contains the following contents: basic risk management rules, the
risk management plan and process, seven steps to risk management, establish a risk
policy and underlying commitment to manage risk, policy goals, risk management
activities, risk management process infrastructure, sample risk management plan
outline, designate a risk officer, identify risks, risk characterization form,
analyze risks, use of quantitative triggers, prioritize risks, prioritize risks,
and risk reserve.
Risk Management Tools [PDF]
Michael A. Greenfield
This slide presentation outlines the following topics: continuous risk
management process, NASA risk management requirements, fault tree analysis (FTA),
failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA), and probabilistic risk assessment (PRA).
Risk Matters: Techniques and Tools [HTML] *FEE*
Cutter Consortium
This article discusses a risk management survey conducted by the Cutter
Consortium. First steps to get stated and tools used are also discussed.
Software Project Management
Risk Management & Organization [PPT]
Glenn Booker
This PowerPoint presentation includes: levels of risk management, risk
assessment and control, risk identification, risk analysis, risk prioritization,
risk control, risk management planning, risk resolution, risk monitoring, risk
management tasks, core development issues, time breakdown for activities, project
organization, project-based organization, function organization, matrix organization,
organizational elements, and context diagram.
Taxonomy - Based Risk Identification [PDF]
Marvin J. Carr, Suresh L. Konda, Ira Monarch, F. Carol Ulrich and Clay F. Walker
This report on taxonomy-based risk identification includes the following
contents: an introduction, the context, the risk identification model (the software
development risk taxonomy, the taxonomy-based questionnaire (TBQ), field testing
the TBQ), the technical approach (taxonomy-based questionnaire derivation,
evolutionary development), lessons learned (the method is effective and efficient,
process is important, facilitation skills can be transitioned), and conclusions.
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