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Reference Library
Process: A Generic View
This page provides access to a variety of downloadable papers that
address generic process issues. The following topics are considered:
Capability Maturity Model (CMM) and Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI)
General Discussion
Process Patterns
Personal Software Process (PSP)/ Team Software Process (TSP)
Software Process Improvement (SPI)
Capability Maturity Model® Integration (CMMIsm), Version 1.1
Continuous Representation [PDF]
Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute
This report is on Capability Maturity Models (CMMs) and Capability Maturity
Model Integration (CMMI). Model components, model terminology, capability levels
and generic model components, framework interactions, using CMMI models, and
process areas are detailed.
Capability Maturity Model® Integration (CMMIsm), Version 1.1
Staged Representation [PDF]
Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute
This report is on Capability Maturity Models (CMMs) and Capability Maturity
Model Integration (CMMI). Model components, model terminology, common features,
generic goals and generic practices, framework interactions, using CMMI models,
and process areas are detailed.
CMMI V1.1 Tutorial [PDF]
Mike Phillips
This slide presentation addresses: why to focus on Process, why to use a
model, CMMI structure, comparisons with SW-CMM v1.1, SE-CMM, and EIA/IS 731, a
process areas overview, appraisal methodology, and training
CMMI-SE/SW V1.1 to SW-CMM V1.1 Mapping [PDF]
USAF Software Technology Support Center (STSC)
Contains mappings of the Capability Maturity Model for Software (SW-CMM)
Version 1.1 to and from the Capability Maturity Model- Integrated - Systems
Engineering/Software (CMMISE/SW/IPPD) Version 1.1 by the Software Technology
Support Center to answer the questions What does this mean to me?" and "How does
this compare to what I am already doing with regard to an existing model?". Also
includes sections on SW-CMM key process areas, CMMI-SE/SW specific practices and
how to read the maps.
KPA Summary of the Evolution of the SEI's Software CMM® [PDF]
Mark C.Paulk
Contains tables that summarize the general changes at the key process
area (KPA) level between different iterations of the "CMM" as it evolved
from a software process maturity framework in 1987 to 1993's Software CMM v1.1.
Using the Software CMM® in Small Organizations [PDF]
Mark C. Paulk
This paper discusses how to use the CMM in any business environment
but focuses on the small organization with the use of examples. The
conclusion of this paper is that using the CMM may be different in degree
between small or large projects or organizations, but they are not different in kind.
Using the Software CMM® With Good Judgement [PDF]
Mark C. Paulk
This paper discusses how to use the CMM in any organization but focuses
on the small organization, rapid prototyping projects, maintenance shops, R&D
outfits, and other environments with the use of examples. This paper concludes
that the issues of interpreting the CMM are the same for any organization, they
may be different in degree but they are not different in kind.
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A Software Development Process for Small Projects [PDF]
Melissa L. Russ and John D. McGregor
This article is about how the software development process can be just
as critical to a small project's success as it is to that of a large one.
The authors present scenarios why a process can be important to small projects
for reasons other than the large number of dependencies. The authors then describe
their software development process and then evaluate a projects process.
Empirical Studies of the Global Software Process - The Impact of Feedback [PDF]
G. Kahen, M.M. Lehman and J.F. Ramil
This paper discusses a key result of FEAST/1; that the global software
process is a feedback system, whose behaviour is strongly impacted by the
properties of the feedback mechanisms it contains. FEAST/2 goals are include
and lists are presented of extracted material of the detailed FEAST/2 plans in
the project proposal. A list of tasks the authors consider as being of immediate
theoretical interest and practical concern on the basis of what has been learned
from the FEAST/1 are also presented.
Introduction [PDF]
Jim Johnson
This is an introduction of CHAOS by the chairman of The Standish Group. This
introduction briefly explains each chapter in the report. The report details the
results of over 40,000 completed IT projects, 400 plus workshops, focus groups and
project group therapy sessions. Nine years of research on why projects succeed or
failed is presented.
The Power of Process [PDF] *FEE*
Steve McConnell
This article discusses software processes with sections on costs
of inattention to process, when a project thrashes, process to the
rescue and process verses creativity.
Software Process Improvement (SPI): Modeling Return on Investment (ROI) [PDF]
David F. Rico
This article exhibits metrics and models for estimating return on investment
(ROI) of software process improvement (SPI). Also this article shows
software managers and engineers: 1) how to estimate ROI early, quickly, and
accurately, 2) how to maximize ROI using total life cycle costs, and 3) how to
estimate ROI for Inspections, Personal Software Process (PSPsm), Team Software
Process (TSPsm), Software Capability Maturity Model (SWCMMsm), ISO 9001, and CMM
Integration (CMMIsm).
Surfing the Edge of Chaos: Applications to Software Engineering [PDF]
Juan C. Nogueira, Carl Jones and Luqi
This paper discusses the problems of software engineering as the weakest link
in the development of systems capable of achieving information superiority. The
authors analyze the introduction of complex adaptive systems as an alternative for
planning and change and also analyze the strategy of "competing on the edge" showing
the risks and the skills required navigating on the edge. The feasibility of using
this theory in software engineering as an alternative to bureaucratic software
development processes is discussed as well as some recommendations that could help
to acquire competitive advantage in software development, hence achieve information
Using Process History to Predict Software Quality [PDF] *FEE*
Taghi M. Khoshgoftaar, Edward B. Allen, Robert Halstead, Gary P. Trio and Ronald M. Flass
Many software quality models use only product metrics such as lines of code or
McCabe cyclomatic complexity which assumes all modules have a similar process history
but for systems that evolve this is not true. In this article the authors have
developed a quality model based solely on process-history variables. They tested
their model in a case study involving the Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar
System, an embedded, real-time military system developed by Northrop Grumman for
the US Air Force in support of the US Army.
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A Whirlwind Introduction to Process Patters [PDF]
Edward Garson
This paper discusses Process Patterns which provide guidance on how to
effectively carry out discrete tasks within the development process. As an example
of a Process Pattern, the paper describes an approach to conducting code inspections.
An Introduction to Process Patterns [PDF]
Nicola Hughes and Gareth Pelly
This slide presentation outline highlights what a process pattern is, types
of process patterns, a task process pattern - e.g. technical review, a stage process
pattern - program, and phase process patterns - e.g. construct.
An Introduction to Process Patterns [PDF]
Scott W. Ambler
This paper discusses what a Process Patterns is and types of Process Patterns. The
paper then discusses the technical review task process pattern, the program stage
process pattern, and the phase process patterns. Why process patterns and process
antipatterns are also mentioned.
Common Template for Software Development Process Patterns [PDF]
Michael Gnatz, Frank Marschall, Gerhard Popp, Andreas Rausch and Wolfgang Schwerin
The template described in this document serves as one possibility to
document a process model according to a proposal of a common process
meta-model (Gnatz, Marschall, Popp, Rausch, Schwerin: A Common Meta-Model for a
Living Software Development Processes).
Describing Process Patterns with UML [PDF]
Harald Störrle
Patterns are now widely used for describing software designs but they may
also be used to describe process structure rather than the product structure. This
may be accomplished by adapting the well known pattern description schemes to the
software process domain. Within this scheme, the author uses the description
techniques and notions of the UML wherever suitable.
Pattern-Oriented Approach to Software Process Evolution [PDF]
Hajimu lida
In this article, an approach for evolving software development processes using
Software Process Pattern as a template of process evolving transformation is
proposed. Software Process Pattern mainly consists of several components such as
Problem, Context, Resulting Context, etc. By applying pattern-based transformations
to a primitive process, we can generate practical development processes with less
effort of process authoring.
Support for the Definition and Usage of Process Patterns [PDF]
Mariele Hagen
Since the 1980s software patterns have gained rising interest within the
software community. Despite this increasing attention, patterns of all types
bear shortcomings with respect to their description. This paper explains these
deficiencies with respect to process patterns, but these deficiencies are valid
for any pattern type.
Towards a Living Software Development Process based on Process Patterns [PDF]
Michael Gnatz, Frank Marschall, Gerhard Popp, Andreas Rausch and Wolfgang Schwerin
In this paper the authors propose a Process Framework, which is modularly
structured, and define the concept of process patterns. This framework allows
the authors to describe development processes in such a way that integration,
change and evolution of processes are facilitated. An example illustrates the
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Data Quality Problems in the Personal Software Process [PDF]
Anne M. Disney
This thesis investigates the Personal Software Process where the author
built a tool to automate the PSP and then examined 89 projects completed by nine
subjects using the PSP in an educational setting. To examine the analysis problem
the author developed a rule set, corrected the errors as far as possible, and
compared the original and corrected data. This resulted in substantial differences
for numbers such as yield and the cost-performance ratio. The results raise questions
about the accuracy of published data on the PSP and directions for future research.
Pathways to Process Maturity: The Personal Software Process and Team Software Process [PDF]
Watts S. Humphrey
Although the Capability Maturity Model® (CMM®) provides a powerful improvement
framework, its focus is necessarily on "what" organizations should do and not "how"
they should do it. This paper discusses the Personal Software Process (PSPsm) and
how the author exposes engineers to the new way of working by removing them from
their day-to-day environment and put them through a rigorous training course. The
paper also discusses Industrial results with the PSP and Building a supportive team
environment: the Team Software Process
Personal Software Process [PPT]
Bruce R. Maxim
This is a PowerPoint presentation on Personal Software Process that outlines
several points such as: process improvement, logic of time management, tabular
time recording log pages, period and product planning, elements of time management,
managing commitments, project management, what a personal software process is, as
well as other points.
Six Sigma Meets Personal and Team Software Processes
Creating Disciplined Software Development Processes for Financial Services Providers [PDF]
Christian Middel
This paper examines two software development methodologies that support Six Sigma
by improving both individual and team development processes. Six Sigma "is an
organization-wide approach to improving processes in large and diffuse
organizations". These methodologies are: the Personal Software Process (PSP) and
Team Software Process (TSP) whose goal is to provide a framework to support the
production of high quality software applications.
Team Building with the TSPi [PDF]
Thomas B. Hilburn
This paper describes a position about use of the introductory Team Software
Process (TSPi) to teach the principles and practice of software engineering. This
document describes and elaborates on the features of the TSPi that support building
effective student software project teams.
Team Software Process (TSPi) [PPT]
Author Unknown
This PowerPoint presentation outlines the Team Software Process. It includes
TSP strategy, TSP process, life cycle phases, cycle descriptions, cycle phases,
motivation (teamwork), common team problems, and a TSP planning overview.
The Team Software Process (TSPsm) [PDF]
Watts S. Humphrey
This report describes the TSP and how it was developed. Starting with a brief
background discussion of software quality, the report provides an overview of the
basic elements of teamwork. It then describes the relationships among the TSP,
Personal Software Process (PSP), and Capability Maturity Model ?(CMM) process
improvement initiatives. The report also describes the TSP process structure,
launching a TSP team, the TSP teamworking process, and the issues and methods
for introducing the TSP. The report concludes with a review of TSP experience,
current status, and trends.
The Personal Software Process
A Software Engineering Seminar[PDF]
Mike Grasso
This slide presentation describes a personal software process (PSP). A framework
is introduced for statistically managed software engineering discipline
on a personal level. Key process areas of the PSP are covered and
compared to the capability maturity model.
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Consolidated Product
Software Process Assessment - Part1: Concepts and Introductory Guide Version 1.00 [PDF]
This part of this International Standard provides overall information on the
concepts of software process assessment and its use in the two contexts of process
improvement and process capability determination. It describes how the parts of the
suite fit together, and provides guidance for their selection and use. It explains
the requirements contained within this International Standard, and their applicability
to the conduct of an assessment, to the construction and selection of supporting
tools, and to the construction of extended processes.
Consolidated Product
Software Process Assessment - Part 3: Rating Processes Version 1.00 [PDF]
As part of the Software Process Assessment Standard this document establishes
the requirements for a software process assessment, for rating, analysing and
profiling an assessment, and defines the circumstances under which assessment
results are comparable. This document describes a process assessment framework
which: encourages self-assessment, takes into account the context in which the
assessed processes operate, produces a set of process ratings (a process profile)
rather than a pass/fail result, through the generic practices, addresses the
adequacy of the management of the assessed processes, and is appropriate across
all application domains and sizes of organization.
Planning for a Software Process Assessment [DOC]
Software Quality Assurance Subcommittee of the Nuclear Weapons Complex Quality Managers
This report presents a guide for how to plan for a software process assessment
and how to use the assessment results to guide process improvement. It defines the
steps associated with conducting a successful assessment and identifies the framework
needed to establish a successful process improvement program. The assessment
methodology is based upon the Software Engineering Institute's (SEI) software
process assessment.
SCAMPIsm, v1.0
Standard CMMIsm Assessment Method for Process Improvement: Method Description, Version 1.0 [PDF]
CMMI Product Development Team
This document describes the Standard CMMISM Assessment Method for Process
Improvement (SCAMPI). This document explains the role of assessments in the context
of the IDEALSM (Initiating, Diagnosing, Establishing, Acting, Leveraging) approach
to software process improvement. Guidelines are provided for establishing resource
requirements for conducting a SCAMPI assessment and the SEI Appraiser Program is
discussed, detailing the qualifications required to become an SEI-authorized SCAMPI
Lead Assessor.
Software Process Improvement Guidebook
Revision 1 [PDF]
Goddard Space Flight Center
This guidebook provides guidance for implementing a software process
improvement program in any NASA software development or maintenance community.
This guidebook describes the program's concepts and basic organizational
components and provides details on how to define, operate, and implement a
working software process improvement program by using specific examples.
Software Process Improvement Handbook Version 1.0 [PDF]
Donald Beldin
This handbook is intended as an introduction to continuous software
process improvement (SPI) programs with emphasis on the software process
assessment (SPA). Section 4 provides detailed descriptions of all the SPA
events. Section 5 catalogs the human resources required of a SPI program
including guidelines for selecting SPI personnel.
Software Process Improvement through Standards [PDF]
Wolfgang Emmerich, Anthony Finkelstein and Richard Stevens
The aims of this slide presentation/tutorial is to provide a practical
guide on how to achieve software process improvement through the use of
software and systems engineering standards, to give an understanding of what
standards are and what they can deliver, to examine the standardization process
and issues arising from the control and evolution of standards.
The e-Commerce Capability Development Model
A Framework to Implement e-Commerce Successfully
A Tutorial For The SEPG Conference[PDF]
John D. Vu
This slide presentation is a tutorial by the end of which you will be able
to understand the evolution of e-commerce, understand major issues in e-commerce
and describe the fundamental concepts of the e-CDM.
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