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Adaptable Process Model
Concept Development Tasks
Process Design

IMPORTANT NOTICE: The complete Adaptable Process Model (APM) is provided for informational purposes and for assessment by potential users. The APM is copyrighted material and may not be downloaded, copied, or extracted for use in actual project work. The full hypertext (html) version of the APM may be licensed for use and customization within your organization. Contact R.S. Pressman & Associates, Inc.for complete licensing information.

Task definition: Task I.1 Scope and bound the concept

  • I.1.1 Identify need, benefits and potential customers;

    I.1.2 Define desired output/control and input events that drive the application;

    Begin Task 1.1.2

  • I.1.2.1 FTR: Review written description of need

    I.1.2.2 Derive a list of customer visible outputs/inputs

    case of: mechanics

  • mechanics = quality function deployment
  • meet with customer to isolate major concept requirements;

    interview end-users;

    observe current approach to problem, current process;

    review past requests and complaints;

  • mechanics = structured analysis

  • make list of major data objects;

    define relationships between objects;

    define object attributes; mechanics = object view

    make list of problem classes;

    develop class hierarchy and class connections;

    define attributes for classes;

  • endcase

  • I.1.2.3 FTR: Review outputs/inputs with customer and revise as required;

  • endtask Task I.1.2

    I.1.3 Define the functionality/behavior that each major function is to perform;

    Begin Task 1.1.3

  • I.1.3.1 FTR: Review output and input data objects derived in task I.1.2;

    I.1.3.2 Derive a model of functions/behaviors;

    case of: mechanics

  • mechanics = quality function deployment
  • meet with customer to review major concept requirements;

    interview end-users;

    observe current approach to problem, current process;

    develop a hierarchical outline of functions/behaviors;

  • mechanics = structured analysis

  • derive a context level data flow diagram;

    refine the data flow diagram to provide more detail;

    write processing narratives for functions at lowest level of refinement;

  • mechanics = object view

  • define operations that are relevant for each class;
  • endcase

    I.1.3.3 Review functions/behaviors with customer and revise as required;

  • endtask Task I.1.3

    I.1.4 Isolate those elements of the technology to be implemented in software;

    I.1.5 Research availability of existing software;

    I.1.6 Define technical feasibility;

    I.1.7 Make quick estimate of size;

    I.1.8 Create a Scope Definition;

  • endTask definition: Task I.1

    Task definition: Task I.2 Develop a preliminary concept plan

  • U.1.1 Perform an adaptation criteria analysis;

    U.1.2 Select the software engineering task set;

    I.2.1 Make a rough estimate of work effort, duration, and other resources;

    I.2.2 Lay out a preliminary development schedule;

    I.2.3 Evaluate results of Tasks I.2.1 - I.2.2 to determine overall readiness;

  • endTask definition: Task I.2


    Task definition: Task I.3 Assess the technology/business risk

  • I.3.1 Identify technology/business risks associated with concept scope;

    I.3.2 Estimate the probability of occurrence for each risk;

    I.3.3 Estimate the project impact of each risk, should it occur;

    I.3.4 Develop a list of prioritized technology/business risks;

    I.3.5 Define an RM3 and update project plan to reflect risks;

  • endTask definition: Task I.3

    Task definition: Task I.4 Develop a proof of concept

  • I.4.Build a "concept model."1

    begin Task 1.4.1

  • review all concept documentation developed to date;

    case of: concept modeling approach

    concept modeling approach = paper model

  • I.4.1.1 Create a paper model (e.g., a mathematical model) of the technology or business concept;

    if concept can be modeled quantitatively then

  • determine quantitative features/parameters;

    build a mathematical model (e.g., spreadsheet);

    supplement with quantitative issues;

    incorporate risks (see Task I.3);

  • else

  • develop write-up (white paper) describing approach;

    address "why will this work?"

    incorporate risks (see Task I.3 );

  • endif

  • concept modeling approach = preliminary prototype

  • I.4.1.2 Create a mock-up prototype of the technology or business concept;

    define those characteristics that are user visible;

    if characteristics can be prototyped

  • then build preliminary prototype;

    else use different concept modeling approach;

  • endif

  • concept modeling approach = simulation model

  • I.4.1.3 Create a simulation model of the technology;

    define characteristics that can be simulated;

    if characteristics can be simulated

  • then build preliminary simulation model;

    else use different concept modeling approach;

  • endif

  • concept modeling approach = operational prototype

  • I.4.1.4 Build an operational prototype; {see also Task I.5}
  • endcase

  • endtask Task I.4.1

    I.4.2 Conduct a formal technical review;

    I.4.3 Make revisions based on the formal technical review;

    I.4.4 Re-assess risks based on lessons learned from concept model;

    I.4.5 Document the concept model;

  • endTask definition: Task I.4

    Task definition: Task I.5 Market the concept

  • I.5.1 Develop a "marketing presentation" for the concept.

    I.5.2 Reassess potential customers.

  • endTask definition: Task I.5

    Task definition: Task I. 6 Customer reaction to concept

  • I.6.1 Present concept representation to customers;

    I.6.2 If there are multiple potential customers, develop means for standardizing feedback;

    I.6.3 Record and analyze customer feedback;

  • endTask definition: Task I.6

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