Task definition: Task I.1 Scope and bound the concept
I.1.1 Identify need, benefits and potential customers;
I.1.2 Define desired output/control and input events that drive the application;
Begin Task 1.1.2
I.1.2.1 FTR: Review written description of need
I.1.2.2 Derive a list of customer visible outputs/inputs
case of: mechanics
mechanics = quality function deployment
meet with customer to isolate major concept requirements;
interview end-users;
observe current approach to problem, current process;
review past requests and complaints;
mechanics = structured analysis
make list of major data objects;
define relationships between objects;
define object attributes; mechanics = object view
make list of problem classes;
develop class hierarchy and class connections;
define attributes for classes;
I.1.2.3 FTR: Review outputs/inputs with customer and revise as required;
endtask Task I.1.2
I.1.3 Define the functionality/behavior that each major function is to perform;
Begin Task 1.1.3
I.1.3.1 FTR: Review output and input data objects derived in task I.1.2;
I.1.3.2 Derive a model of functions/behaviors;
case of: mechanics
mechanics = quality function deployment
meet with customer to review major concept requirements;
interview end-users;
observe current approach to problem, current process;
develop a hierarchical outline of functions/behaviors;
mechanics = structured analysis
derive a context level data flow diagram;
refine the data flow diagram to provide more detail;
write processing narratives for functions at lowest level of refinement;
mechanics = object view
define operations that are relevant for each class;
I.1.3.3 Review functions/behaviors with customer and revise as required;
endtask Task I.1.3
I.1.4 Isolate those elements of the technology to be implemented in software;
I.1.5 Research availability of existing software;
I.1.6 Define technical feasibility;
I.1.7 Make quick estimate of size;
I.1.8 Create a Scope Definition;
endTask definition: Task I.1
Task definition: Task I.2 Develop a preliminary concept plan
U.1.1 Perform an adaptation criteria analysis;
U.1.2 Select the software engineering task set;
I.2.1 Make a rough estimate of work effort, duration, and other resources;
I.2.2 Lay out a preliminary development schedule;
I.2.3 Evaluate results of Tasks I.2.1 - I.2.2 to determine overall readiness;
endTask definition: Task I.2
Task definition: Task I.3 Assess the technology/business risk
I.3.1 Identify technology/business risks associated with concept scope;
I.3.2 Estimate the probability of occurrence for each risk;
I.3.3 Estimate the project impact of each risk, should it occur;
I.3.4 Develop a list of prioritized technology/business risks;
I.3.5 Define an RM3 and update project plan to reflect risks;
endTask definition: Task I.3
Task definition: Task I.4 Develop a proof of concept
I.4.Build a "concept model."1
begin Task 1.4.1
review all concept documentation developed to date;
case of: concept modeling approach
concept modeling approach = paper model
I.4.1.1 Create a paper model (e.g., a mathematical model) of the technology or business concept;
if concept can be modeled quantitatively then
determine quantitative features/parameters;
build a mathematical model (e.g., spreadsheet);
supplement with quantitative issues;
incorporate risks (see Task I.3);
develop write-up (white paper) describing approach;
address "why will this work?"
incorporate risks (see Task I.3 );
concept modeling approach = preliminary prototype
I.4.1.2 Create a mock-up prototype of the technology or business concept;
define those characteristics that are user visible;
if characteristics can be prototyped
then build preliminary prototype;
else use different concept modeling approach;
concept modeling approach = simulation model
I.4.1.3 Create a simulation model of the technology;
define characteristics that can be simulated;
if characteristics can be simulated
then build preliminary simulation model;
else use different concept modeling approach;
concept modeling approach = operational prototype
I.4.1.4 Build an operational prototype; {see also Task I.5}
endtask Task I.4.1
I.4.2 Conduct a formal technical review;
I.4.3 Make revisions based on the formal technical review;
I.4.4 Re-assess risks based on lessons learned from concept model;
I.4.5 Document the concept model;
endTask definition: Task I.4
Task definition: Task I.5 Market the concept
I.5.1 Develop a "marketing presentation" for the concept.
I.5.2 Reassess potential customers.
endTask definition: Task I.5
Task definition: Task I. 6 Customer reaction to concept
I.6.1 Present concept representation to customers;
I.6.2 If there are multiple potential customers, develop means for standardizing feedback;
I.6.3 Record and analyze customer feedback;
endTask definition: Task I.6
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