I.5.1 Develop a "marketing presentation" for the concept.
Intent: The intent of this tasks is to develop a description of the technology or business concept, to present the concept model and to describe the benefits and potential uses of the concept. The marketing representation is used to gain sponsorship for the concept.
Mechanics: The marketing presentation should focus primarily on benefits to the end-user and secondarily on technical detail that describes the implementation of the concept model.
Do's & Don'ts
Do: Understand the needs of potential customers and direct the wording, jargon and tone directly to them.
Do: Be sure that feedback (either pro or con) is solicited, recorded and analyzed.
Don't: Use software related jargon or overly focus on technical detail.
Helpful Hints
1. The marketing representation can be a detailed document, a simple brochure, a one page Technical Note, or a diskette containing an operational prototype.
Deliverables: Marketing presentation
I.5.2 Reassess potential customers.
Intent: The intent of this task is to use information gathered during Task I.1.1 and Task I.5.1 to reassess the market for the concept.
Mechanics: The initial list of potential customers (developed as part of Task I.1.1) is revised based on latest marketing study.
Deliverables: Revised list of potential customers
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