Web Engineering (WebE) Process
Web-based systems and applications (WebApps) deliver a complex array of content and functionality to a broad population of end-users. Web-engineering is the process that is used to create high-quality WebApps. Web engineering (WebE) is not a perfect clone of software engineering, but it borrows many of software engineering's fundamental concepts and principles, emphasizing the same technical and management activities. There are subtle differences in the way these activities are conducted, but an overriding philosophy that dictates a disciplined approach to the development of a computer-based system is identical. The following topic categories are considered:
Characteristics of the Web
General Web Engineering Information
The WebE Process
Web Authoring Guides
Web Metrics
Characteristics of the Web
The Web
A useful introduction at Wikipedia.
Web characteristics
A thumbnail discussion,
Properties and Characteristics of the Web
A brief but worthwhile discussion.
Characteristics of simple Web 2.0 Website
Overview of key issues to consider when building a Web 2.0 WebApp.
The three characteristics of mobile web 2.0
A brief, but worthwhile discussion.
Characteristics of Invisible Web Content
A look at the Web that search engines don't find.
History of the Web
A brief history provided by W3C.
The Future of the Web
A site "semantic Web, from W3C.org.
The Semantic Web - A Primer
An article that describes one vision of the future of the WWW.
The Web Standards Project
News and information on Web standards.
Video: Web & Web 3.0 - What's Next?
A micro-lecture
The Journal of Hyperlinked Organizations presents thought-provoking (sometime edgy) articles/opinion pieces on all topics Web-related.
IBM Institute for Advanced Commerce
The IBM Institute for Advanced Commerce provides a wide array of strategic guidance for entry into the e-commerce domain, a precursor to WebE.
General Web Engineering Information
Web engineering
An introduction at Wikipedia.
Web Engineering
An introductory white paper on the subject.
pdf: Web Engineering: Introduction and Perspectives
A chapter length introduction to the subject by San Murugesan and Athula Ginige. Recommended.
A portal to all things in the WebE area.
What ever happened to Web engineering?
A commentary on software engineering best practices for Web developers
pdf: Web Engineering - Old Wine in New Bottles?
"This paper highlights the characteristics of Web application development as found in existing literature thus providing a prerequisite for analyzing the appropriateness of existing engineering solutions." Recommended.
A Technology 'Cloud' for Web Engineering
The site presents a topic cloud that indicates at least some of the technology elements that become part of the Web engineering construction activity.
pdf: Web Engineering Revisited
"This paper proposes to reposition Web engineering to be more specific to what the Web is, by which we mean not only an interface technology, but an information system, into which Web-oriented applications have to be embedded."
pdf: Web engineering for mobile devices
A lengthy paper addressing one of the fasting growing and challenging areas of WebApp development.
Software Engineering for Internet Applications
A complete textbook by Eve Andersson, Philip Greenspun, and Andrew Grumet is provided online. The book was published by MIT Press in 2006. A useful resource.
Applying Software Engineering Principles to a Web Site Development Process
From the paper: "The goal of a web site development process is to formalize activities related to the development of web sites. The formalization of a development process aims at providing developers with a set of mechanisms which, when applied systematically, make it easier to obtain web sites of consistently high quality, in a predictable and reliable way."
WebE-Standards, Guidelines, & Patterns
Presents points to dozens of article on WebE related topics.
Web Engineering: Introduction and Perspectives (PDF)
An excellent, downloadable chapter that provides a good introduction and perspectives on Web Engineering. Highly recommended.
NASA WebApp Best Practices
NASA has developed a wide array of guidelines for Web site development. This page is a good starting point.
Cal State WebApp Best Practices
An overview of WebApp best practices developed by Cal State University.
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
W3C is an industry consortium that provides access to a wide variety of WWW information of interest to WebApp developers.
Wide array of information for Web engineers.
Microsoft Developers Network
Contains useful information on Microsoft related technologies for WebE.
Web Site Security Studies
A source of downloadable studies on internet security.
9th Intl WWW Conference papers
A useful collection of papers published at the conference.
11th Intl. WWW Conference papers
A useful collection of papers published at the conference.
Modern Web Programming
A java-centric view of future directions.
e-Commerce Solution
Software tools that enable accurate quotes and orders for complex products and services; execution of complex pricing rules and generate quote/proposal documents, and other features. Presents a number of whitepapers and other resources.
The WebE Process
Best Practices
Discusses process and practices used within an industry WebE environment.
Rapid Web Development
How to create flexible sites quickly using standards like CSS and XHTML.
pdf: Towards a Quality-Aware Web Engineering Process
A discussion of Evidence-Based Web Engineering (WE) as a process model. Downloadable.
pdf: Web Engineering
A description of the WebE process.
Website Development
A pragmatic breakdown of process activities by a custom website developer.
pdf: Web Application Development Process and Process Models
A slide presentation developed by students.
Web Authoring Guides
The following guide present useful pointers for WebApp development. Although some contain environment specific guidelines, all also provided generic advice that may be of use.
Web Authoring Tutorials-A Hotlist
Web Authoring Resources
Web Authoring Software Guides and Faqs
Web Author-Hotlist
A Guide to HTML Authoring
Web Authoring Good Practice Guide
UniSA Web Authoring Guide
A Guide to Creating Web Sites with HTML, CGI, Java, JavaScript, Graphics
Brown Web Authoring Guide
Yale Web Style Guide
IEEE Web Publishing Guide
Sun Microsystems Guide to Web Style
Web Metrics
Web Metrics 101 - What DO all these Terms Mean?
"While there are many web analytics tools out there, the website statistics (metrics) that they reveal are pretty standard across all the tools. But just what do all these hundreds of web metrics and terms exactly mean and what should you do with them?" Recommended.
Web Metrics Demystified
A worthwhile commentary on Web metrics.
Web Metrics Testbed
Tools developed by NIST for instrumenting WebApps
pdf: An Introduction to Web Metrics
A slide presentation that provides a worthwhile introduction.
Web Metrics and Grains of Salt
A New York Times article that discusses the accuracy of web metrics.
How to Interpret Web Metrics
A brief commentary of web metrics.
Measuring User Experience
Suggest ways to assess a user experience with a WebApp.
NIST WebMetrics Testbed
"The objective of the NIST Web Metrics Testbed is to explore the feasibility of a range of tools and techniques that support rapid, remote, and automated testing and evaluation of website usability."
Dozens of sites offer help in developing business value metrics, e.g., measures of how many people visit a site , what pages are accessed, and other business specific information. The following sites are representative:
NUA Internet Surveys
There are many book that discuss the World Wide Web characteristics, directions and potential. Here is a very small sample:
In Search of Jefferson's Moose: Notes on the State of Cyberspace is (from a review) "a fresh, insightful, and eminently readable look at cyberspace policy" set during Thomas Jefferson's time.
Small Pieces Loosely Joined: A Unified Theory of the Web presents "a unifed theory of the Web.
Web Without a Weaver: How the Internet Is Shaping Our Future is an early treatment that explores the "meaning" of the Internet.
Web 2.0: A Strategy Guide addresses business thinking and strategies behind successful Web 2.0 implementations.
Collective Intelligence in Action discusses "leveraging the collective power of user contributions, interactions, and feedback is the key to market dominance."
Hundreds of books that discuss one or more Web engineering topics have been published in recent years, although relatively few address all aspects of Web engineering. We prefer:
Web Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach by Pressman and Lowe which considers the Web engineering process in its entirety.
But in addition, the following books are worth considering:
Web Engineering is an anthology of contributed papers on WebE.
Web Engineering: Principles and Techniques provides a reasonably thorough treatment of many WebE topics.
Web Engineering: Modelling and Implementing Web Applications focuses on techncial aspects of WebApp development.
Foundations of Web Technology presents a worthwhile compilation of the technologies that are required for Web engineering.
Web Engineering: Managing Diversity and Complexity of Web Development is a collection of useful papers on WebE. Proceedings of international conferences on Web Engineering
Web Business Engineering discusses business analysis and related concerns that enable the Web engineer to better understand customer needs.
Engineering Global E-commerce Sites present guidelines for the development of global WebApps.
Hypermedia and the Web: An Engineering Approach provides reasonably complete coverage.
Application Re-engineering: Building Web-based Applications and Dealing with Legacy Systems addresses one of the most difficult issues in WebEthe re-engineering of legacy systems to make them compatible with Web-based systems.
IEEE Std. 2001-1999 defines basic Web engineering practices.
There are many book that address Web metrics, but virtually all focus on Web site related measures. Anong the offering are:
Advanced Web Metrics with Google Analytics
Web Metrics: Proven Methods for Measuring Web Site Success
Capacity Planning for Web Performance: Metrics, Models, & Methods