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A first novel ... Roger Pressman's first novel is a technothriller -- The Aymara Bridge
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Software Engineering Resources
Maintenance and Reengineering
Consider any technology product that has served you well. You use it regularly, but it's getting old. It breaks too often, takes longer to repair than you'd like, and no longer represents the newest technology. What to do? If the product is hardware, you'll likely throw it away and buy a newer model. But if it's custom-built software, that option may not be available. You'll need to rebuilt it. You'll create a product with added functionality, better performance and reliability, and improved maintainability. That's what we call reengineering. The following topic categories are presented:
Software Maintenance
Software Reengineering Resources
Software Maintenance
Software Maintenance Articles and papers
A list of downloadable papers and articles on software maintenance.
Archives of The Journal of Software maintenance
Many interesting papers but requires purchase 1998 - present.
Tutorials, Articles, and Papers
Software maintenance - an overview
A brief overview of the subject.
A fresh model for software maintenance
A discussion of software maintenance pricing and services.
Software Maintenance Costs
Contains an interesting table of maintenance costs with references. Recommended.
A Study in Software Maintenance
Presents the results of "interviews highlighted problems that we believe are typical of many software maintenance organizations"
Improving Software Maintenance Processes
Pointers to four downloadable papers on the subject.
Measurements to Manage Software Maintenance
This article answers basic questions about software maintenance for a single organization and discusses some of the decisions made based on the answers.
The elephant in the software maintenance room
Is Software Maintenance Worth It?
pdf: Software Maintenance
"This article overviews software maintenance, its relevance, the problems, and the available solutions; the underlying objective is to present software maintenance not as a problem, but in terms of solutions."
pdf: Embedded Software Maintenance
"The goal of this report is to describe the state-of-the-art of embedded software maintenance and provide a glimpse of state-of-the-practice embedded maintenance practices."
Software Reengineering
SEI Software Reengineering Resources
The SEI offers a variety of software reengineering resources. Recommended.
Reengineering Resources
A useful collection of resources that addresses books and articles, 'collections,' tools, and organizations.
Reengineering Forum
"An industry association to encourage combined industry/research review of the state of the art and the state of the practice in reengineering of software, systems, and business processes."
Reengineering Links
Selected pointers to articles and tools.
Renaissance Web
A vast array of resources for the reengineering community including original content taken from the ESPRIT RENAISSANCE software reengineering project, as well as a comprehensive list of other software reengineering resources on the Internet.
Tutorials, Articles, and Papers on Software Reengineering
Software Reengineering Process
This report provides a general overview of the software re-engineering process.
Software Reengineering
"This technical report is designed to give the reader an overview of the concepts, approaches and risks of re-engineering. It is intended to serve as a basis for understanding software reengineering technology."
Software Reengineering
A NASA technical report "designed to give the reader an overview of the concepts, approaches and risks of re-engineering."
Reengineering Technology Report
The purpose of this report, developed by the DoD Software Technology Support Center, is to increase contact, awareness, and understanding of software reengineering tools.
Systems Reengineering Patterns
Presents a few interesting reengineering patterns.
Reengineering Patterns - 1
From the site: "We are working on a reengineering handbook to aid engineers faced with legacy object-oriented code in diagnosing problems, identifying weaknesses and finding potential solutions."
Business Process Reengineering
BPR Resources-I
Links to a variety of BPR resources.
BPR Resources-II
Useful list of BPR tools as well as other resources.
The BizTech Network
Extensive information on BPR including papers, tutorials, bibliographies, links, and tools. Highly recommended.
Reverse Engineering Tools
A useful list of reverse engineering tools embedded within a reengineering tools taxonomy.
BPR Tools
A list of 20 + BPR tools and techniques.
Software Reengineering Tools
Points to free and commercial reengineering tools.
Reengineering Tools
Selected tools.
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