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Software Engineering Resources
Project Scheduling
You've selected an appropriate process model, you've identified the software engineering tasks that have to be performed, you estimated the amount of work and the number of people, you know the deadline, you've even considered the risks. Now it's time to connect the dots. That is, you have to create a network of software engineering tasks that will enable you to get the job done on time. Once the network is created, you have to assign responsibility for each task, make sure it gets done, and adapt the network as risks become reality. In a nutshell, that's software project scheduling and tracking. The following topic categories are presented:
Scheduling Resources
Scheduling Tutorials, Papers and Articles
Scheduling Methods and Tools
Scheduling Resources
Scheduling Tutorials, Papers and Articles
Scheduling Methods and Tools
Scheduling Tools
A reasonably detailed list of schedule and progress measurement tools.
Virtually every book written of software project management contains a discussion of scheduling. Among many offering are the following books:
Effective Project Management
Project Planning, Scheduling & Control, 4E
Software Project Management For Dummies
Project Management 9th edition
Software Project Management
Better Software Project Management: A Primer for Success
Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge
Effective Project Management
Project Planning Scheduling and Control
On Time Within Budget
Software Project Survival Guide
Software Project Cost and Schedule Estimating: Best Practices
Crunch Mode is a book for all managers who "have 90 days to do a six month project."
Rapid Development presents an excellent discussion of the issues that lead to overly optimistic software project scheduling and what you can do about it.
How to Run Successful Projects presents a step-by-step approach to project management that will help you to develop a realistic schedule for your projects.
A number of worhwhile books discuss the use of earned value techniques for project planning, tracking, and control in considerable detail:
Earned Value Project Management, third edition
A Practical Guide to Earned Value Project Management
Using Earned Value: A Project Manager's Guide br> Using Earned Value: A Project Manager's Guide
Earned Value Project Management
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