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Software Engineering Resources
Risk Analysis and Management
Risk analysis and management are a series of steps that help a software team to understand and manage uncertainty. Many problems can plague of software project. A risk is a potential problem; it might happen, it might not. But regardless of the outcome, it's a really good idea to identify it, assess its probability of occurrence, estimate its impact, and establish a contingency plan should the problem actually occur. The following topic categories are presented:
For many software projects, risk analysis and manage are implicit, at best. The software risk management literature provides useful guidance for addressing risk at the project level. Books that provide benefit include:
Coping with IT/IS Risk Management presents pragmatic advice from project managers who deal with risk on a continuing basis.
Project Risk Management discusses a "a proactive project management process" and techniques for program risk auditing
Proactive Risk Management defines a "step-by-step process for managing innovation risk in an effective cross-functional manner."
Software Engineering Risk Management is a guidebook that introduces an easy-to-use risk analysis model with worthwhile checklists and questionnaires supported by a software package.
Risk and Decision Analysis in Projects considers risk analysis from a statistical perspective.
Managing Risk: Methods for Software Systems Development presents one of the more thorough treatments of the subject.
Risk Management Processing for Software Engineering Models considers metrics, security, process models and other topics.
Practical Risk Assessment for Project Management provides a useful snapshot of risk assessment. The abbreviated treatment provides a concise introduction to the subject.
The Fundamentals of Risk Measurement presents useful methods and tools that every project manager can use.
Waltzing With Bears: Managing Risk on Software Projects is an entertaining and insightful book that guides software managers and practitioners through risk management
Additional books worth examining include:
Project Risk Management: Processes, Techniques and Insights describes a systematic approach to project risk management
Project & Program Risk Management presents a useful introduction to risk in the project or program environment.
Assessment and Control of Software Risks presents a detailed discussion of software risks that includes data collected from hundreds of software projects, defining 60 risk factors that can affect the outcome of software projects.
Software Risk Management suggests excellent questionnaire and checklist formats that can prove invaluable in identifying risk.
Software Engineering Risk Analysis and Management presents a detailed treatment of the mechanics of risk analysis, calling on probability theory and statistical techniques to analyze risks.
Application Strategies for Risk Analysis discusses risk in the context of both system and software engineering and suggests pragmatic strategies for risk management.
Principles of Software Engineering Management presents a set of "principles" (which are often amusing and sometimes profound) that can serve as a worthwhile guide for risk management.
Software Development Failures: Anatomy of Abandoned Projects and
Death March discuss what happens when risks overwhelm a software project team.
Against the Gods presents an entertaining history of risk that goes back to ancient times.
In addition, a number of books on risk management, as it is applied in other fields, may have relevance to the management of software project risks:
Modeling Risk
The Essentials of Risk Management
Risk Management, Tricks of the Trade for Project Managers
Identifying and Managing Project Risk
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