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A new edition ... the 7th edition of Software Engineering is available now
A new book ... Roger Pressman and David Lowe on Web Engineering
A first novel ... Roger Pressman's first novel is a technothriller -- The Aymara Bridge
A new curriculum! RSP&A has partnered with QAI to develop a comprehensive Internet-based software engineering curriculum.
A redesigned site! ... we've done a major redesign and added many new features for 2009 - 2010
Over the years, RSP&A has developed a variety of training, software process improvement, and process modeling products. Our intent has always been to develop cost effective tools that help you improve your software engineering (and Web engineering) practices.
Thousand of companies worldwide have acquired and continue to use our video-based training curriculum, Essential Software Engineering, our software process improvement product, Process Advisor, our process modeling template, Adaptable Process Model (APM), and our internet-based training curriculum, eSchool.
This page presents a brief overview of these products. More information can be obtained by clicking on the product name.
Essential Software Engineering (ESE) is a comprehensive video training curriculum for managers and practitioners who must understand and apply software engineering practices. ESE provides your organization with "just-in-time" training in software engineering. Individuals can pick and choose the ESE components that are most appropriate to their current needs and can focus on knowledge delivery modules that are of immediate need. |
Process Advisor (PA) is a simple, yet powerful, self-directed system for software process improvement, alowing users to develop an effective strategy for improving software engineering practices. The Process Advisor philosophy is simple: process improvement will only succeed if you do it yourself ... if you buy into the cultural and technological changes that must be made. |
eSchool has been developed in partnership with QAI--EdistaLearning. This internet-based curriculum will help your organization develop core competencies, enhance performance, and manage knowledge required to improve software engineering practices. A complete learning experience, eSchool enables a learner to choose his or her own learning path, enriched by a variety of knowledge objects, quizzes, case studies, and related materials.
The Adaptable Process Model (APM) provides a software process that you can customize and adapt to local needs. The APM includes a detailed process flow implemented as a hypertext document, descriptions of many key software engineering tasks, document templates, and checklists. Acquiring the APM can significantly reduce the time required to develop your company's software process description. |
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