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Adaptable Process Model
Building an Software Engineering Team
IMPORTANT NOTICE: The complete Adaptable Process Model (APM) is provided for informational purposes and for assessment by potential users. The APM is copyrighted material and may not be downloaded, copied, or extracted for use in actual project work. The full hypertext (html) version of the APM may be licensed for use and customization within your organization. Contact R.S. Pressman & Associates, Inc. for complete licensing information.
Building an Effective Software Engineering Team
The intent of this checklist is to assess the degree to which a software project team will work together effectively (SEPA 5/e, Chapter 3). It should be noted that many factors affect the qualty of a team. However, the following issues should be addressed by the project manager/team leader as the team is formed. For this checklist, the more questions that elicit a negative response, the higher the risk that the team will fail.
- Has the team worked together before? If so, were the results of past working experience favorable?
- Do members of the team have the correct mix of knowledge, training, and experience for the job to be done?
- Do members of the team come from the same technical "culture"? the same organization?
- Have the roles and responsibilities of each team member been clearly defined?
- Have communication mechanisms for the team and with the outside world been clearly defined?
- Do the team members have respect for the project manager? the team technical leader?
- Is the working environment (e.g., offices, meeting rooms, tools) conducive tgood teamwork?
- Have team members been shielded from administrative record keeping?
- Have team members been provided with appropriate support staff?
(See also Checklist: Airlie Project Quicklook, People-Aware Management Accountability)
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