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Adaptable Process Model
Reengineering Inventory Analysis
IMPORTANT NOTICE: The complete Adaptable Process Model (APM) is provided for informational purposes and for assessment by potential users. The APM is copyrighted material and may not be downloaded, copied, or extracted for use in actual project work. The full hypertext (html) version of the APM may be licensed for use and customization within your organization. Contact R.S. Pressman & Associates, Inc. for complete licensing information.
Reengineering Inventory Analysis
Inventory analysis (SEPA 5/e, Chapter 30) is essential when software reengineering is to be conducted by a company. The following data should be collected (and analyzed) when invetory analysis is undertaken.
- name of the application
- year it was originally created
- number of substantive changes made to it
- total effort applied to make these changes
- date of last substantive change
- effort applied to make the last change
- system(s) in which it resides
- applications to which it interfaces
- database(s) that it accesses
- errors reported over the past 18 months
- number of users
- number of machines on which it is installed
- complexity of
- program architecture
- code
- documentation
- quality of documentation
- overall maintainability (scale value)
- projected longevity (in years)
- projected number of changes over the next 36 months
- annual cost of maintenance
- annual cost of operation
- annual business value
- business criticality
The following checklist may help to determine which applications are candidates for reengineering. The more questions that receive a positive ("yes") response, the higher the probability that the application is a candidate for reengineering.
- Is the application more than five years old?
- Is the application business critical?
- Is the project longevity projected to be more than five years?
- Is the number of users large by local standards?
- Is the number of users likely to increase?
- Are major changes contemplated for the application?
- If so, will these major changes require substantial commitent of effort by local standards?
- Is the cost of continuing annual maintenance known?
- Is the annual value of the application known?
- Is the projected total cost of change known?
- Can the cost to reengineer the application be estimated to within 20%?
- If so, is reengineering cost less than the cost to make changes plus the cost of maintenance?
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