U.7.1 Define the catalogue of project, product, and process metrics that are to be collected.
The catalog of metrics defines each aspect of the project, the product and the process that is to be measured. Measurement criteria, measurement points, and the analysis to be applied for each metric are also defined.
U.7.1.1 List all project, product and process metrics.
- schedule compliance metrics
- effort metrics
- quality metrics
- software size metrics
U.7.1.2 Define measurement points on project timeline.
U.7.1.3 Define metrics collection mechanisms.
U.7.1.4 Define metrics reporting mechanisms.
U.7.2 Define approach for analyzing metrics that have been collected.
Metrics will be analyzed at two levels. At the project levels, metrics can be used to help the team improve its local process and the product.
U.7.3 Collect metrics for the project, product, and process.
Metrics collection is an ongoing activity. A set of collection forms can be developed for this purpose.
U.7.4 Analyze metrics for the project, product and process.
Different metrics are analyzed by different people for different reasons. Project metrics are analyzed by the project manager to assess the efficacy of resource loading and schedule compliance. Product metrics are evaluated by both managers and practitioners. The manager assesses the overall quality of the deliverables that are produced. Practitioners use product metrics as a real-time quantitative check on the quality of their engineering work. Process metrics are used by managers to define incremental improvements in the APM.
U.7.5 Report analysis findings.
The results of metrics analysis are reported to a targeting audience that includes business management, project management and technologists. It is important to provide some training for all those who receive software metrics reports
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