The process design language (PDL) used in the APM description represents a process flow using the following constructs:
- process - a major APM activity indicated by the process or subprocess keywords;
task definition - a collection of APM tasks indicated by the task definition keyword;
task - a refinement of a specific APM task indicated by the Begin Task keyword;
concurrent activities - indicated by parallel activities (asynchronous);
events - indicated by an event trigger that causes the tasks that follow to be conducted;
sequences - a series of tasks each terminated with a semi-colon;
loops - repeat a sequence of steps until a condition is met; do a sequence of tasks while a condition is met;
conditional tests - if a condition is true then do a set of tasks else do a different set of tasks.
All constructs are delimited by a end delimiter. For example, repeat until is delimited by the end delimiter endrep. In addition, indentation is used to group information.
APM Umbrella Activity Acronyms
software project management -- SPM
formal technical reviews -- FTR
software quality assurance -- SQA
software configuration management-- SCM
reusability management -- REUSE
measurement -- M
document preparation and production -- DPP
risk management - RSK
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