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Adaptable Process Model
Task V.30 Develop a Reengineering Plan

IMPORTANT NOTICE: The complete Adaptable Process Model (APM) is provided for informational purposes and for assessment by potential users. The APM is copyrighted material and may not be downloaded, copied, or extracted for use in actual project work. The full hypertext (html) version of the APM may be licensed for use and customization within your organization. Contact R.S. Pressman & Associates, Inc. for complete licensing information.

Task V.30 Develop a reengineering plan


V.30.1 Develop reengineering strategy

Intent: The intent of this task is to develop an overall strategy for the reengineering project. The strategy is used as a guide for created a project plan.

Mechanics: The strategy will identify the approach required to achieve the reengineering goals defined in Task V.29.1 and will also address the work required to reengineer the software described in Tasks V.29.2 and V.29.3.

Application of Formal Methods: none

Application of CASE Tools: t.b.d.

Deliverables: reengineering strategy


V.30.2 Identify methods and tools for reengineering

Intent: The intent of this task is to identify the methods and tools that will be required to reengineer application data, documents and programs within the context of the technical infrastructure.

Mechanics: Information collected as part of Tasks V.29.2 and V.29.3 is used to help define the set of methods and tools required for reengineering. The planner must assess the existing application to determine the level of reengineering work required (i.e., the need for document restructured or generation, code restructuring, data restructuring, reverse engineering or forward engineering).

Application of Formal Methods: none

Application of CASE Tools: t.b.d.

SQA Checklist:

    1. Are the methods and tools specified applicable within the existing technical infrastructure?

    2. Are the methods and tools specified appropriate to the level of reengineering that has been selected?

    3. Are the methods and tools readily available?

Deliverables: list of reengineering methods and tools


V.30.3 Develop cost/effort estimate for the reengineering.

Intent: The intent of this task is to develop an estimate of project effort for the reengineering activity.

Mechanics: The requirements for reengineering (Task V.29) are evaluated and modifications to the application scope are specified. Once the modifications are known, cost/effort can be determined using standard software project estimation (see U.1.4 through U.1.9)

Application of Formal Methods: Reengineering projects that fall into the structured or strict project categories may opt to use one or more of the following methods:

    1. A task decomposition can be performed.

    2. A size or function estimate can be performed.

    3. An empirical estimation model can be used.

Application of CASE Tools: t.b.d.

Do's & Don'ts

    Do: Use information discerned from earlier tasks to help make your estimate.

    Do: Use historical project data from past reengineering efforts to help in your estimate.

Helpful Hints

    1. The task set selected for a reengineering can be used to do a standard engineering effort estimate. The effort associated with each software engineering task in the task set (as well as all umbrella activities) can be estimated and the sum of all effort provides the overall estimate.

    2. Do a functional decomposition for the project. The effort required to implement each function can then be estimated.

    3. Use the project scope to determine the number of function points to be built. Using historical data, the average effort required to implement each function point is known and the overall effort to complete the project can then be estimated.

    4. Use the project scope to determine the number of lines of code (LOC) to be built. Using historical data, the average effort required to implement each LOC is known and the overall effort to complete the project can then be estimated.

    5. Consider the need for "other resources" that include specialize computers or peripheral equipment, specialized test rigs, special technical expertise that cannot be drawn from project staff.

Deliverables: Estimates of effort and cost for the reengineering


V.30.4 Establish reengineering project duration and resource requirements.

Intent: The intent of this task is to establish or confirm the duration of the reengineering project, determine the number and types of staff who will be required, and estimate other resources that must be applied to the project.

Mechanics: The project duration is established by (1) considering the delivery dates requested by the customer and (2) considering the task set selected and the projected effort estimated in Task V.30.3. Staffing requirements will be will be dictated by projected effort and required delivery date. Other resources are determined by examining the enhancement requirements.

Application of Formal Methods: none

Application of CASE Tools: a project scheduling tool can be of use during this task

Deliverables: Estimated duration, staffing level(s) and list of other resources


V.30.5 Derive enhancement schedule and strategy.

Intent: The intent of this task is to develop a schedule that indicates task sequence and interdependencies for the reengineering project. Project milestones and effort assigned to each task should also be specified at this time.

Mechanics: The task set selected for reengineering is used as the basis for creating a task outline or network that is essential for scheduling. Scheduling is best accomplished using an CASE scheduling tool. Using the tool, staff members (by name) are assigned to each task, the human effort (e.g., person-weeks applied), and start and end dates are specified. The tools then creates a timeline (Gantt) chart as well as other scheduling information.

Application of Formal Methods: Critical path method (CPM) scheduling is the approach used by most scheduling tools. The user need not be aware of the details of the method, but should note which task sequence is the "critical path."

Application of CASE Tools: t.b.d.


1. Project timeline charts

2. Resource tables (showing allocated resources to specific tasks)


V.30.6 Develop a Project Plan for the reengineering.

Intent: The intent of this task is to develop a written project plan, review the plan with the customer(s) and make necessary revisions to the plan.

Mechanics: Information developed in Tasks V.30.1 through V.30.5 is gathered and organized into a Project Plan document. The document is then reviewed internally for consistency. If management approves the plan, it is next sent to the customer for review and comment. At each stage of review, modifications are made as required.

Application of Formal Methods: none

Application of CASE Tools: t.b.d.

Deliverables: Software Project Plan

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