process document preparation and production (DPP)
event trigger: work product is ready to be documented
U.5.1. Select an appropriate document outline;
case of degree of rigor {selected for the project}
degree of rigor = casual
use greatly abbreviated document outlines;
eliminate content that is not absolutely essential;
degree of rigor = structured
use document outlines with only minor deletions;
degree of rigor = strict
use complete document outlines;
degree of rigor = quick reaction
postpone selection until quick reaction work is complete;
repeat until (work product has been fully documented)
U.5.2 Identify information created during software engineering (CPF) tasks and required for the appropriate document;
U.5.3 Develop additional document content;
U.5.4 Construct the document using available templates;
U.5.5 Review the completed document for correctness;
end event
endsubprocess document preparation and production (DPP)
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